Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My Obsession ♥

Take a look at the bootleg products, they looked rather real but yet not so real. Currently waiting for refund confirmation then I can post it back and happily get my refund le :) 

Oh well, since i'm gonna return it soon. Why not play with around with it for awhile? :) Hehehe! 

Sebastian ♥ MY BUTLER*muahahhaha!* I WISH LAH.

Okay, I know it sounds weird. Hahaha~

Now you know why it's called "Fish in the garden". My salmon fillet is surrounded by veggies! *yumyum*  

* * * 

Oh yeah. I finally bought my dearest Zange-chan! :) yessss confirm authentic if not i'll stab myself!  It burned a big hole in my pocket *sigh* But nvm, she too cute to resist! :D

And also, I've pre-ordered the very adorable Azu-nyan! >w< *happppy* The second shipment would only be released in June, which means I wait to wait till June :( awwwww

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