Saturday, March 5, 2011

What a day.

Had a series a weird dreams ytd night/this morning.


I dreamt of a weird dream, regarding about my classmates(this sem). Forgot what was it about, but I think it's just weird dream that doesn't make any sense. Then I suddenly heard Shou's voice singing, and yes I woke up. Thanks to a phone call from mommy. 

She asked me to go down to collect something immediately. How awesome, went down with my messy hair, megane & pj on (no, you wouldn't wanna imagine, seriously) My part-time maid was stunned like 'WTF?!' 'cos she saw me walking out from my bedroom & heading out straight. She probably thought I was sleepwalking or something. LOL Waited downstairs like an idiot, covering my face because I don't want people to see. One of the most unglam moment in life, ugh.

After collecting the stuffs from my mom, went up & drop dead on my bed again. Fucking tired, I swear. BECAUSE I FRIGGIN' SLEPT AT 6AM. ZZZZZ~ Anyway yeah, slept & dreamt AGAIN. WTF.

Okay no, not a dream.
It's a nightmare, yes. NIGHTMARE.

Got so affected by it, though I know it isn't real. I've always thought that I'm strong enough by myself, but after today, I realised....

I'm actually not as strong as I thought I'd be.
I depend on you too much. Really.

Alright, it's going 4am & i'm gonna hit the sack now~

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