Tuesday, August 30, 2011


ああああ~ほんとにすごいですね! ♥ This is really cool & awesome, esp the ending part OMG /touched/ >_< Oh and this 'Flying Get' song is seriously giving me eargasm, so addictive & catchy. Okay actually most of AKB songs are like this isn't it? ♥

Yay~ It's a public holiday today, which means I can sleep till as late as I want!!! :D k, provided there's no calls/msg-es to wake me up. No plans for the day! Probably gonna pray that it'll rain heavily so that I can just nuaaaaa at home & maybe to redesign my blogskin, 'cos I'm like quite sick of these polka dots already -_- 

Great, it's 3:50am now. Time to get some beauty sleep!

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