Sunday, May 1, 2011

10 facts about mag.

Okay, I know this is pretty random.
Because I'm bored & got like nothing to blog about.


1. My favourite colours are Black, White & Red
2. I am 20% Optimistic, 80% Pessimistic
3. I'd never get sick of eating broccoli w tofu
4. I have 2 lovely BFFs & 3 close/good poly friends (surprisingly, all guys) :)
5. I have a phobia of this word, "Marriage"
6. I am a very selfish person
7. I am OBSESSED about becoming skinny
8. I used to have a crush on a guy for 4 friggin' years in sec sch -_-
9. I want bigger boobies (HAHA SERIOUS!)
10. Bad boys is a total turn-off for me

.... wait I still got alot more facts to write, but again... I DOUBT PEOPLE WANNA KNOW LOR. HAHAHAHA!

Anyway, it's 2:30am now *yawns* and I'm still awake here watching "GOSICK"! There's still "Kimi Ni Todoke 2" which I haven't finish watching!!!! Arghhhhh shit, I've got like so much more to catch up :( Hopefully by these 2 days if not I must wait till next week again, loads of work gonna pile up on me when I return to work on Tuesday I guess :(

Gonna go for a date with 4 handsome cute guyszx later! (HAHAHAHA IMMA GREEDY MONSTAR) Okay, I was just joking please. But yes, I got to meet up with da 4 dudes to discuss our FYP proposal & gosh today is the deadline somemore *dies* Hope we can finish our proposal later on! :D And hopefully to catch a movie after the meeting!

Till then.

With ♥,

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