Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sundown Festival 2011

Right, this post has been overdue for a week already D:

BUT STILL... YES I'm gonna post it no matter what! Hahaha ahhh pardon me for the late blog post (>_<) I'm currently stuck with my FYP & UT video productions /busy_woman_91/

Anyway back to the topic, being a crazy fangirl, I took the train at 6am & headed down to promenade with Shujun. Thank god there's Vivienne & Amanda who camped overnight (major <3333 to you both), so we were like the 2nd group in the VIP queue~

Q-ing at the F1 pit.

The weather last Saturday was TERRIBLE!!!! Like wtf trying to play PMS with us!
Rain -> Shine -> Rain -> Shine -> Rain -> & it continues...

The other ViViD fans came ~

When the gates opened, I just ran my way & chop a place with an awesome view ;) 

So fucking near the stage, I can even rape Shin. #justsaying

Super cute board of Show & Jing! <3 

Jade's ViViD fan~ 

 TP student's performance. Was really good (y)

When they came out, I was like "OMGG X'MAS NOT OVER YET LEH, CNY ALREADY AH?!"
Damn bastard, but true what right hahahaha!


Shin is fucking hot <3


My lovely drummer KOKI <3 I love him.

Sexy Reno ~


HAHAHAHA FUCK I ACCIDENTALLY TOOK THIS. But omg ffuuuuu his pants are sooooo distracting (>_>) Like.... omg ok shall not say it. /zip-mouth-and-let-imagination-run-wild/
I couldn't take pics of IV because Shin keeps blocking him (from my view) & Ryoga just moves too much :( Bleh. Most of the pic turned out to be blurred :(

Halfway through, I gave up taking photos & took videos instead! ~
(IMPT NOTE: Sorry the audio quality really sucks because I was too near the bass I think D:) 

Next up > My favourite, 張芸京! <333

 Omg, I just love her so so so much. She's way too awesome!
Her looks, her personality, her talents & her voice!!! <3


Then from Korea, Teen Top! (gosh they're like fucking young ~~) 
But honestly... I think their hair colour damn chio pls, I LIKE (Y)

Next up > Hebe Tian ~ I still prefer her being in S.H.E



At the end of Sundown Concert, Soomin & me was screaming our lungs out for Koki, Ryoga & Shin non-stop (screaming all out & trying to get their attention) when they were on stage. And apparently... KOKI & SHIN TURNED TO OUR SIDE, SAW OUR BOARDS AND DID THE \m/ SIGN <3  Koki & Shin are so kind :') /happiest_girls_on_earth/

 So excited, I even did a .gif~ HAHAHA


 Spotted my board? IT'S UNDER KOKI'S LEGS. HAHAHA <3

 Just love my 5 husbands :) Next year I'll sure visit them <3

Urmmmm and after Sundown I went straight to Butter Factory (yes, was one of the 100 people but i don't think there's really 100 of them coming from sundown lol) LONG STORY AFTER THAT, I SHALL NOT ELABORATE. But anyway, for your information... Only Shin & Reno went to club after Sundown Festival. Shin was dead drunk & Reno was rather high (with photo evidences ooops *coughs* too exclusive to be shown anywhere)

A short video of Reno before entering Butter Fact~ 

Oh and this guy is hilarious, throughout this whole trip. He had this 'poker-face' all the time, like he's as cool as ever & doesn't really smile much. But as he entered the club, he saw me & my 2 other friends holding to our cam~ HE ACTUALLY SMILED, did a double-peace hand sign for us and said bye before entering. (omg my friend recorded it down on her cam) I BET RENO-SAMA LOVES THE CLUB D:

So on the morning they went back at 6am + (which was on the same day they clubbed),  I was DEAD CURIOUS to see how Shin looks like, apart from the photos which I saw LOL. So yeah, I saw Shin getting off the car alone & I was waving at him like a retard... and to my surprised HE STOPPED FOR A MOMENT & WAVED BACK /so-not-shin-style-wtf/ Very, unexpected hahahaa! Then I saw him walking in a.... rather.... unstable manner. So I was walking behind him & I asked "Are u okay? O_O" Then he turned around and smile "I'm fine ~~ :)" and awhile later he turned around AGAIN and said "I'm fine~" HAHAHA OMG SHIN Y U SO CUTE. Then I started um chio-ing behind because I know he's not really fine at that point of time hahahaahaha!

I hope there's lives in March for me to attend!!!!

Oh and a part of me doesn't want them to coming back Singapore. LOL

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